East Coast Forum

Habitat Considerations and EFH Authorities

June 27-28, 2013 • Annapolis, MD

Final AgendaFinal Report

The purpose of the 2013 East Coast Forum was to explore opportunities for regional fishery management councils to strengthen the integration of habitat science and considerations into the decision-making process

Forum Objectives

  • Enhance understanding of the existing habitat authorities under the Magnuson-Stevens Act
  • Discuss experiences with habitat related decision-making, focusing on the processes councils use to consider tradeoffs and evaluate options for designating Essential Fish Habitat (EFH), siting Habitat Areas of Particular Concern (HAPCs), and minimizing adverse impacts
  • Develop abilities to lead through communication by sharing and evoking stories and lessons learned through council experience
  • Identify the steps councils have taken to monitor, prioritize and engage in consultations on non-fishing impacts to EFH
  • Increase understanding of NOAA Fisheries initiatives to advance habitat science and policy through the Habitat Assessment Improvement Plan and Habitat Blueprint
  • Explore habitat as the structural foundation of ecosystems, and examine the role of habitat in councils’ ecosystem-based management initiatives
  • Consider outcomes from the habitat panel session at the third Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries Conference

Day 1 • Thursday, June 27th


Habitat protections in the Magnuson-Stevens Act: Opportunities and requirements for habitat conservation

Terra Lederhouse, Marine Resource Habitat Specialist, NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation


Reflections on the history of habitat conservation and fisheries management

John Boreman, Adjunct Professor, North Carolina State University


Regional processes for EFH decision-making

An economic perspective on reducing adverse fishing effects: the Swept Area Seabed Impact Model

Chad Demarest, Economist, NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center


Artificial substrates as EFH: a Gulf of Mexico case study

Greg Stunz, Professor of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi


The Pacific Council’s approach to EFH reviews: One size does not fit all

Kerry Griffin, Staff Officer, Pacific Fishery Management Council


Day 2 • Friday, June 28th

Advances in habitat science

Coordinating habitat science at NOAA Fisheries

Kirsten Larsen, National Habitat Science Coordinator, NOAA Fisheries Office of Science & Technology


OpenOcean 2013: Integrating habitat dynamics into population and ecosystem assessment

John Manderson, Research Fishery Biologist, NOAA Fisheries Northeast Fisheries Science Center


Managing fisheries in the face of changing ecosystem productivity

Jason Link, NOAA Fisheries Senior Scientist for Ecosystem Management


Habitat and the third Managing Our Nation’s Fisheries Conference

NOAA’s Habitat Blueprint: Improving fisheries, marine life, and coastal communities through habitat conservation

Buck Sutter, Director, NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation


A historical perspective on habitat authorities

John Boreman, Adjunct Professor, North Carolina State University
