2018 Forum
Forum Materials: Learning, Evaluation, and Planning
October 15-16, 2018 • Monterey, CA
Final Agenda • Forum Main Page →
This resource library provides links to additional information about the topics and regional examples we will discuss at the Forum, including:
- Prioritization, short-term planning, and workload management
- Use of goals, objectives and other forms of guidance
- Evaluation, reflection and review
- Learning, mentorship and leadership
- Long-term and strategic planning
- Council history and institutional knowledge
- Emerging challenges
- Learning, sharing experience and building connections between regions
Short-term planning: Getting it all done
Session objective: Share regional approaches for setting priorities, managing tradeoffs, engaging in short-term workload planning, and using council and staff time efficiently.
New England
- Three Meeting Outlook (Sept. 2018-Jan. 2019)
- 2018 Council Priorities
- 2019 Priorities – Initial Task List (Sept. 2018)
- Council Actions (Amendments and frameworks currently under development, and recently completed Council actions)
- October Executive Director’s Report. Includes:
- 2018 Planned Council Meeting Topics
- Status of Council Actions Under Development
- Timeline and Status of Recent MAFMC Actions and Amendments/Frameworks Under Review
South Atlantic
- Amendments Under Development page
- Council Tiering of Amendments white paper (Sept. 2018)
- Council Priorities (A4B) and Council Amendment Activities (A4D) under Tab 9 – Executive Finance of the Council’s September 2018 briefing book
Gulf of Mexico
- Action Schedule (Aug. 2018) – Proposed actions for 2018-2019
- Status of amendments under development
North Pacific
- Three Meeting Outlook (Oct. 2018 – Feb. 2019)
- Council Staff Responsibilities and Tasking (Sept. 2018)
- Pacific Council Workload Planning: Preliminary Year-at-a-Glance Summary (Sept. 2018)
- Groundfish Omnibus Workload Planning Process
- Situation summary (Sept. 2018)
- Council Operating Procedures 9 Excerpt: Biennial management cycle and activities related to groundfish management (Sept. 2018)
- Groundfish Workload Plan (April 2018)
Evaluation: Stepping back and taking stock
Session objective: Explore regional examples of evaluation within the council process, and the role of evaluation and reflection in supporting the performance of council programs and operations.
New England Fishery Management Council
Program Review
The NEFMC Program Review was initiated in 2017 and culminated in a Council Program Review Meeting, March 13-16, 2018.
Start here! The NEFMC Program Review library provides links to all Program Review materials including an overview of the purpose and process of the review, and the composition of the review panel. Additional highlights:
- Program Review meeting materials
- Final Prospectus and Terms of Reference
- Summaries of feedback:
- Final Report (prepared by the Program Review Panel)
Pacific Fishery Management Council
Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program 5-Year Review
The PFMC’s 5-year review process was initiated in 2016 and completed in 2017.
The PFMC Groundfish 5-Year Review library provides links to materials in support of the Council’s Groundfish Trawl Catch Share Program and Intersector Allocation reviews, including an overview and timeline of the review calendar, composition of the Community Advisory Board, public hearing summaries, and supporting documents. Additional highlights:
- Overview of the Pacific groundfish trawl rationalization process (Amendment 20)
- Final Catch Share Review document
Long-term planning: Looking ahead
Session objective: Share examples of approaches councils have taken to articulate values and aspirations, establish long-term goals, and support their implementation.
Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Visioning Project and Strategic Plan
MAFMC initiated its strategic planning process in 2010, beginning with a comprehensive Visioning Project to gather ideas and input from stakeholders. The Council approved its first 2014-2018 Strategic Plan in 2013, and is currently working on the next iteration of a strategic plan to guide the Council’s management activities from 2020-2024.
Start here! The MAFMC Strategic Plan page describes the Council’s vision, mission, core values, and strategic goals, and provides links to Council documents in support of the Visioning Project and current strategic plan. Highlights:
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Snapper-Grouper Vision Blueprint
Beginning in 2012, SAFMC initiated a Visioning process to develop a shared vision for management of the snapper-grouper fishery. The Council conducted a series of Council workshops and public meetings, and in 2015 adopted the 2016-2020 Vision Blueprint for the snapper-grouper fishery.
The SAFMC Visioning Project library provides an overview of the Visioning Project and includes links to the final Vision Blueprint, summaries of public input, and briefing materials from Council Visioning Workshops. Highlights:
- 2016-2020 Vision Blueprint for the Snapper Grouper Fishery
Appendix A: Implementation Schedule - Appendix D: Evaluation Plan
- Council Visioning Workshop Briefing Books
Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum
All Projects
Council Support
Collaborations and Special Projects