National Essential Fish Habitat Summit
May 17-19, 2016 • Annapolis, MD
NOAA Fisheries Office of Habitat Conservation • Office of Science & Technology
Council Coordination Committee • Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum
Presentations • Regional EFH Profiles
The 2016 National Essential Fish Habitat Summit convened council and NOAA Fisheries habitat experts to reflect on 20 years of EFH implementation experience, share ideas and approaches across regions, and consider how the use of EFH authorities may respond to a changing environment. This site includes links to meeting materials and presentations.
Terms of Reference
The purpose of the EFH Summit is to assess and identify opportunities, challenges, and successful approaches for the effective implementation of the Magnuson-Stevens Act EFH authorities.
- Share perspectives on successful approaches to EFH designation and review.
- Consider approaches for evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken to minimize adverse effects of fishing on EFH.
- Identify opportunities to ensure effective communication between NOAA Fisheries and councils on the implementation and use of EFH authorities, including the EFH consultation process.
- Identify opportunities to integrate habitat information into the fishery management process and ecosystem-based fisheries management.
- Consider how advances in habitat science can support the effective implementation and use of EFH authorities, and identify opportunities and challenges to aligning habitat science with management needs.
Fisheries Leadership & Sustainability Forum
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