East Coast Forum

Uncertainty and Risk Policy

May 11-12, 2010 • Beaufort, NC

Final AgendaFinal Summary

The purpose of the 2010 East Coast Forum was to explore the challenges of accounting for scientific and management uncertainty and managing risk, with a focus on the implementation of annual catch limits and accountability measures.

Forum Objectives

  • Understand the various types of uncertainty found in fishery management and methods to consider uncertainty when making policy decisions

  • Understand how scientific and management uncertainty affect fisheries (e.g., effects on fishing opportunity, revenue, costs, conservation outcomes)

  • Explore methods for considering risk in fishery management decisions

  • Discuss management options to reduce uncertainty and manage risk

  • Explore different approaches to establishing ABC control rules

Forum Resources (Days 1 and 2)

Introduction to uncertainty and risk

Keynote: Strengthening science for fisheries management

Paul Sandifer, Senior Science Advisor, NOAA Fisheries


Scientific uncertainty and risk in fishery management

Joe Powers, Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, School of the Coast and Environment, Louisiana State University


ABC control rules and scientific uncertainty

Rick Methot, National Stock Assessment Expert, NOAA Fisheries Northwest Fisheries Science Center


Uncertainty, P*, and control rules: Setting ABCs in the South Atlantic snapper-grouper complex

Erik Williams, Sustainable Fisheries Branch Chief, NOAA Fisheries Southeast Fisheries Science Center


Management uncertainty and a broader view of risk

How is the concept of risk relevant to regional fishery management council members?

Mike Orbach, Professor of the Practice of Marine Affairs and Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University


Science, management, uncertainty, and risk: Experiences from New England

Jake Kritzer, Senior Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund; New England Fishery Management Council Scientific & Statistical Committee


Special session: Introduction to marine spatial planning

The U.S. Interagency Ocean Task Force & coastal and marine spatial planning

Paul Sandifer, Senior Science Advisor, NOAA Fisheries


Next steps in marine spatial planning

Larry Crowder, Professor of Marine Biology, Nicholas School of the Environment, Duke University
