New England Catch Shares Workshop

New England Fishery Management Council • October 20-21, 2009 • Bretton Woods, NH

Final AgendaFinal Summary

The New England Catch Shares Workshop was hosted by the New England Fishery Management Council and the Fisheries Forum, in cooperation with the Gulf of Maine Research Institute, for the purpose of sharing information and concerns about the use of catch shares in New England Fisheries.

Workshop Objectives

  • Increase understanding of the science, economics, and policies related to catch shares
  • Help decision-makers learn from successes, failures, and challenges in other regions
  • Discuss catch shares in the context of decisions that have already been approved in New England with an eye towards future direction and action

Introductions and workshop context

Snapshot of New England Fisheries

Chris Kellogg, Deputy Director, New England Fishery Management Council


Introduction to catch shares

Amy Kenney, Program Director, Fisheries Forum


Rotating breakout sessions

Catch shares and the Pacific groundfish fishery

The Pacific Council’s groundfish trawl fishery catch share program

Don McIsaac, Executive Director, Pacific Fishery Management Council


Pacific groundfish trawl rationalization

Merrick Burden, Senior Analyst, Pacific Fishery Management Council


Fishing communities and catch shares

British Columbia’s groundfish fisheries: A fisherman’s perspective

Wes Erikson, Fisherman, British Columbia


Incorporating coastal communities into catch share programs

Steve Minor, Executive Director, North Pacific Crab Association

Example overview

The many flavors of catch shares

New Zealand Fisheries

Jonathan Peacey, Strategic Projects Analyst, New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries


Management of British Columbia groundfish fisheries

Bruce Turris, Fisheries Consultant


The many flavors of catch shares

Mark Holliday, Director, NOAA Fisheries Office of Policy


Data collection and monitoring programs

Catch shares: the Alaskan experience

Jessica Gharrett, Restricted Access Management Program, NOAA Fisheries Alaska Region


Catch monitoring systems in British Columbia groundfish fisheries

Howard McElderry, Archipelago Marine Research
