West Coast Forum

Adaptive and Responsive Management Strategies

November 14-15, 2013 • Monterey, CA

Final AgendaFinal Report

Report: Responsiveness in the federal fisheries management process

The purpose of the 2013 West Coast Forum was to explore the use and potential of responsive and adaptive management strategies for achieving management goals.

Forum Objectives

  • Explore the theory, concept and field of adaptive management

  • Investigate examples of adaptive management in practice across natural resource sectors and draw lessons from those experiences

  • Examine the process components of adaptive management and how they could be utilized in the context of U.S. federal fisheries management

  • Build skills to lead their councils in discussions of goals and objectives

  • Discuss the value and structure of learning within the council system, and explore resource management as a platform for targeted learning

  • Consider the potential for existing regulatory structures, processes and tools available to councils to support adaptive management strategies

  • Explore innovative partnerships and their potential for advancing responsive management

Forum Resources (Days 1 and 2)

Introduction and examples

Introduction to adaptive management

Ken Williams, Executive Director, The Wildlife Society


Adaptive management in the U.S. Forest Service: the Northwest Forest Plan

Bernard Bormann, Principal Forest Ecologist, US Forest Service; Professor, Oregon State University


Adaptive management in the U.S. Department of the Interior: Waterfowl harvest management

Ken Williams, Executive Director, The Wildlife Society


Adaptive management in Australia: The Great Barrier Reef

Campbell Davies, Principal Research Scientist, Pelagic Predator Ecology and Dynamics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization


Setting goals and objectives

Navigating divergent perspectives

Janet Martinez, Director, Gould Negotiation and Mediation Program, Stanford Law School, Stanford University


Resource management as a learning process

Panel discussion: The use of models in adaptive management

Ken Williams, Bernard Bormann, Campbell Davies

Presentation (Williams – full presentation) • Video
Presentation (Williams – review of 5 key points about modeling)

Management strategy evaluation

Campbell Davies, Principal Research Scientist, Pelagic Predator Ecology and Dynamics, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization


Science for adaptive management: MPA monitoring in California

Liz Whiteman, Program Director, California Ocean Science Trust, MPA Monitoring Enterprise Director


Panel discussion: Lessons from case study examples

Ken Williams, Bernard Bormann, Campbell Davies


Spotlight: Industry partnerships as a strategy for responsive management

Dynamic ocean management: TurtleWatch in the Western Pacific

Elliott Hazen, Assistant Research Biologist, University of California at Santa Cruz; Affiliate Researcher, NOAA Southwest Fisheries Science Center


Salmon bycatch in the North Pacific: An evolution in regulatory structure

John Henderschedt, Executive Director, Fisheries Forum; Vice Chair, North Pacific Fishery Management Council


Iteration and adaptation

Balancing public participation and the need for speed

Marian Macpherson, Management and Program Analyst, Office of Sustainable Fisheries, NOAA Fisheries
